Рекомендации-подсказки на немецком и английском языках

Письмо-рассказ о себе является Вашей "визитной карточкой", такой же, как и анкета. Именно из Вашего письма семья может почерпнуть сведения о Вас, как о личности, так как в анкете представлены лишь сухие данные из Вашей биографии.
Ниже мы даем Вам рекомендации по составлению такого письма. Вы совсем не должны слепо следовать ему, самостоятельность приветствуется. Главное, произвести наиболее благоприятное впечатление на семью.

Постарайтесь избежать помощи переводчика при написании письма семье. Пусть лучше письмо будет простое и с ошибками, чем разочарованная и обманутая семья откажется от Вас по приезде.

Liebe deutsche Gastfamilie,...

Wer Du zur Zeit bist

Dein Vorname, Name und Wohnort (nur die Stadt und das Land);
Dein Studien- bzw. Arbeitsplatz (unnoetige Kleinigkeiten sind zu vermeiden, z. B. der volle Name der Uni);
Was Du dabei machst;
Wie Du deine Freizeit (Hobbies, Interessen, Sportarten usw.) verbringst.

Deine Familie (kurz)

Vornamen und Alter Deiner Eltern und Geschwister;
Was sie machen, wo sie arbeiten.

Warum Du nach Deutschland als Au-pair moechtest:
Deine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern?

Deutschland, die Kultur, Leute, Sehenswurdigkeiten und Braeuche kennenzulernen?
Mehr Erfahrungen in Kinderbetreung fur eigenen Nachwuchs zu bekommen?
Nach Studiummoglichkeiten in Deutschland zu suchen?
Moglichkeit an Europareisen zu gewinnen?
Neue Freunde und Kontakte zu finden?

Deine Erfahrungen in Kinderbetreung

Namen und Alter der Kinder;
Beschaeftigungen mit den Kindern;
Angehoerigkeit der Kinder.

Wie Du der deutschen Familie behilflich sein koenntest

Was Du mit Kindern gern machst;
Was Du beim Haushalt machen kanst;
Deine Lieblingsbeschaeftigungen um den Haushalt.
Bis jetzt waere es alles.
Ich bedanke mich sehr bei Ihnen fuer Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und erwarte hoffnungsvoll Ihre Antwort, falls ich Ihnen passe und gefalle.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Dein Vorname und Name


Getting to know your aupair candidate can be a time consuming task. Extra care should be given and all the questions should be asked before a job offer. This is the best way to avoid future problems and picking the right au pair for your family. Below we gathered the most common questions for you to use in your interview or correspondence with your au pair candidates. We hope you find them helpful for your search. You can print them out and make notes for future reference. It can also be helpful when comparing candidates. We wish you best of luck and a wonderful cultural experience.

Have you ever lived out of your home country before?
Tell us about your personality. Are you a cheerful person?
Can you adjust living with a foreign family and be a part of it?
Can you live apart from your family and friends?
Have you ever been an aupair before?
Why do you want to be an au pair?
How well do you speak our language?
Are you planning on going to a language school?
What is your parent's occupation.
How large is your hometown? Is it a large city or a rural area?
What is your last diploma you received? Are you a good student?
What are your hobbies and interests?
How is your driving and driving record?
Do you have a criminal record?
Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
How would you spend your weekends here?
Will you request any time off to observe certain religious days?
How do we arrange the vacation schedules?
Are you flexible? If we run little late from work, do you mind?
Would you participate in our family outings or vacations?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Please tell us about your childcare experience.
Do you have any first-aid training?
Can you cook?
Do you have any dietary restrictions? Is there any type of food you don't eat?
How would you approach any problems or issues during your stay? If we want you to teach our children your native language, would you mind speaking to them in your language?
Do you have any allergies?
How is your health? Do you have any health related issues?
What kind of activities would you do with the kids?
Can you help the children with homework?
Would you treat younger and older children equally?
How many children can you take care of?
Our children have playmates coming over to our house regularly?
Do you mind having more children around some days?
How do you think this experience will change you as a person?
What are your plans after your aupair experience?